I am new to TeamCity and difficulties building Visual studio 2013 soln testing on win 7 .My Plan is to make TeamCity automate build & deployment on committing to svn server with 2 builds. 1-Build -> Build xyz.sln file with 2 web application projects -> proj1 & proj2 . 2-Publish -> If 1-Build is Successful then publish proj2 web application project to test & prod server (2 servers). I did the setup of svn trunk on TeamCity which has xyz.soln file and connection tested successfully. When I tried to build the configuration with my xyz.soln
Build Step :
When I tried to run the build it was giving: Warning: No enabled compatible agents for this build configuration. Please register a build agent or tweak build configuration requirements.
Followed this -> http://www.danmusk.com/how-to-build-asp-net-applications-in-teamcity-with-msbuild-tools-2013-and-net-framework-4-5-sdk/
Installed MSBuild separately and confirmed
MSBuild Tools 2013 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\Bin
also .Net framework ->
windows SDK ->
Any help would be great? Need to fix this Issue badly .