How can I raise an event from a mock/stub using Rhino Mocks?
I've found some answers to this question on the web, but they all seem to use the Record/Replay-syntax, but I'm using the Arrange/Act/Assert syntax.
Any suggestions?
A little example...
Let's say I'm using the MVVM pattern and have this model class:
public class MyModel
private int _myValue;
public event EventHandler ValueChanged;
public void SetValue(int newValue)
_myValue = newValue;
if (ValueChanged != null)
ValueChanged(this, null);
As you can see the class has an integer value and a method that sets it. When the value is set, a ValueChanged
event is raised.
This model class is used by a viewmodel:
public class MyViewModel
private MyModel _myModel;
public MyViewModel(MyModel myModel)
_myModel = myModel;
_myModel.ValueChanged += ValueChangedHandler;
private void ValueChangedHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
MyString = "Value has changed";
public string MyString { get; set; }
This viewmodel listen to the ValueChanged
event on the model and updates when it is raised.
Now I want to test that the viewmodel is updated when the model raises the event.
public void MyViewModel_ModelRaisesValueChangedEvent_MyStringIsUpdated()
var modelStub = MockRepository.GenerateStub<MyModel>();
MyViewModel viewModel = new MyViewModel(modelStub);
Assert.AreEqual("Value has changed", viewModel.MyString);
Note that this is just an example and not my actual code (which is more complex). I hope you can disregard any typos and other small mistakes.