
I'm working on a project and it's getting a little too hard for me... I explain.

I need to parse PDF files with PHP, to analyse the content of those files. To do that, I use pdfparser.org library. I firstly tried to include this library as usually, without any result. After having read all the Internet, since this library requires Composer to be installed (and on my web hosting I can't get Composer installed), I have applied the Composer process on my Windows PC. I got the "vendor" folder with the "autoload.php" file. Fine !!

Then, I have tried to include it properly in CodeIgniter. The solution I chose is :

  1. Creating a file "Pdfparser.php" in application/libraries/

    class Pdfparser
        public function __construct()
            require_once APPPATH."/third_party/pdfparser.php";
  2. Then, I add the PdfParser "Composer" application in application/third_party/, and in the /third_party/pdfparser.php I simply put :

    if (!defined('pdfparser')) {
        define('pdfparser', dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
        require(pdfparser . 'pdfparser/autoload.php');
  3. Then, I add this library to CodeIgniter /application/config/autoload.php as :

    $autoload['libraries'] = array('pagination', 'form_validation','email','upload','pdfparser');
  4. Finally, I call it in my function in application/controllers/Admin.php :

    $parser = new Pdfparser();
            $pdf    = $parser->parseFile(myfile.pdf);
            $full_text = $pdf->getText();

    (This 4. block of code is directly taken from official Documentation here : http://www.pdfparser.org/documentation, and just adapted).

  5. But now, I break the Internet... I have this error :

    PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method PdfParser::parseFile() in /path/application/controllers/Admin.php on line 3083
  6. After having looked CodeIgniter documentation, I try to add the Composer autoloader to the core... in application/config/autoload.php I put :

    $config['composer_autoload'] = APPPATH . "/third_party/pdfparser/autoload.php";
  7. Of course, it doest not work. And I'm lost...

try like this...$config['composer_autoload'] = TRUE;Hikmat Sijapati
Hikmat : I tried it, but nothing more... Then, I tried to add my Composer library directly in application/vendor folder, with $config['composer_autoload'] = TRUE; But nothing better...John

3 Answers


Use composer properly. $config['composer_autoload'] = TRUE; and inside your application folder run composer install smalot/pdfparser . Then inside your controller it should run, if not use Use :)

use Smalot\PdfParser;
class My_controller extends CI_Controller {

When using composer, to include a library in your project you do something like that :

composer install smalot/pdfparser

Then, to include the newly installed library, you only need to include the "autoload.php" file provided by composer :


include 'vendor/autoload.php';

$parser = new Pdfparser();
$pdf    = $parser->parseFile(myfile.pdf);
$full_text = $pdf->getText();


Nothing more.


Replace your code

class Pdfparser
    public function __construct()
        require_once APPPATH."/third_party/pdfparser.php";



require_once APPPATH."/third_party/pdfparser.php";
class Pdfparser
    public function __construct()

Include outside of your class.

Rather than using autoloading you can load library like this...


