I am trying to use boto3 to launch an EMR cluster like this:
client = boto3.client('emr')
I'm getting this error:
ClientError: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the
RunJobFlow operation: InstanceProfile is required for creating cluster.
(This is boto3 version 1.4.2 on Python 3.5.)
There is no mention of an InstanceProfile attribute at http://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/services/emr.html?highlight=emr#EMR.Client.run_job_flow .
I have tried the argument from my (working) aws cli script:
--ec2-attributes '{"KeyName":"MyKeyPair",
.... adding the arg at various places in the kwargs, but no luck.
Can anyone give me a hint or show a working example?
Any help appreciated.