I'm using Drupal 6 and Views 2, along with CCK, Panels and Node Relationships. (so far)
I have two basic content types defined:
- User Profile (using Content Profile module)
- Product
Each of these content types has a node reference to two other content types, Tier and Commission:
- User Profile content references "Tier" content
- Product content references "Commission Category" content
There may be 5-10 of each of these, and up to 100 of each of users/products.
When a Commission Category is added, dollar values need to be added for each currently existing Tier node.
When a Tier node is added, dollar values for this Tier need to be added to each currently existing Commission Category node.
The desired effect is that users with a "staff" role can administrate both Tiers of users and Categories of Product.
Users will see a value when they view a product that is displayed as a combination of both their Tier and the Commission Category.
For Example:
Category A => Tier 1 ($100), Tier 2 ($200), Tier 3 ($300)
Category B => Tier 1 ($120), Tier 2 ($250), Tier 3 ($300)
Is there a way to do what I'm suggesting? or do I need to try a different approach altogether to achieve the desired effect?