I have a question that I have never been able to solve:
Considering these two architecture
UI layer
Application layer
Domain Layer
Infrastructure Layer
Client Tiers
Presentation Tiers
Business Tiers
Integration Tiers
Resources Tiers
What are the difference between them.
Where do entity beans lie in these architecture. If I have a business layer with object that implements business logic, why would I have to add behavior in entity beans. I read somewhere that it is an anti pattern to have domain model objects without behavior.
This is actually a project(training) that I need to do to get my msc in distributed systems.
These are actually the technologies I'm using
So if I understand well
My application consist of
A client layer (web browser) A presentation Layer (struts 2 ) A business Layer (POJOs + JPA) An integration layer (with hibernate DAOs) A resource layer (HSQLDB)
But as the presentation, business and integration layer are implemented on the same server (tomact) I only have a three tiers architecture. Am I right ?
As far as including behavior in my JPA objects, usually this is what I used to do : Have a dao for each JPA entity. Have a bean (like an EJB) that would manage the business logic required. So I never put beahvior on JPA objects.
Say for example I wanted to make a purchase request. I would have a CatalogueManager that would help me interact with items, suppliers. I would have also an EmployeeManager that would help me interact with employees. And finally a PurchaseRequestManager that would use the two previous business objects to make a PurchaseRequest.
Now what you are telling me is to put the methods that I have in the PurchaseManager in the PurchaseRequest JPA entity, and do the same for methods in EmployeeManager => to put them in the Employee JPA entity.
But what would happen if my employee object would also be used for the human ressources department, I would also need to put other methods there. For a big application I would have a lot of methods in the employee JPA entity. Wouldn't that be counter productive?