
When I run "Clear and Build Project" I got the following errors:

Not copying library C:\Users\00035583\Documents\NetBeansProjects\commons-beanutils-1.9.3.jar , it can't be read.

Not copying library C:\Users\00035583\Documents\NetBeansProjects\commons-collections4-4.1.jar , it can't be read. Not copying library C:\Users\00035583\Documents\NetBeansProjects\commons-collections-3.2.1-1.0.0.jar , it can't be read. Not copying library C:\Users\00035583\Documents\NetBeansProjects\dom4j-1.6.1-sources.jar , it can't be read. Not copying library C:\Users\00035583\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Kontrol Paneli\dist\lib\commons-beanutils-1.9.3.jar , it can't be read.

I can understand that it requires the above jars, but I don't need them, so I removed them. Can you help me understand why these errors occur?

check your project properties->libraries.Be sure that you removed all of the jar links.May be you removed codes which require those libraries but project need to compileSarkhan
I checked library but it doesnt seem anythingveysi erdem
on your project folder there is a file project.properties in nbproject folder.Open it and find all file.reference and delete all which doesn't requireSarkhan
I clear all broken reference in library. But when I re-execute same errors occure.veysi erdem
it should be netbeans problem so create new project and move your source to new project :)Sarkhan

1 Answers


I solved it with re-install which ocurres error. I dont know why old jars cause so problem.