I made a ibeacon project, now I found two problems: first,when mobile phone lock screen, I'm going to scan for Bluetooth devices (I'm sure in the beacon region), sometimes Scan failed and returned empty array second, when I lock screen, sometimes didEnterRegion and didExitRegion have stopped, when I am the light of the screen, they went on again
Now I want to scan the device every time when I lock the screen,what should i do?
MonitoringForRegions code:
let region = BRTBeaconRegion.init(proximityUUID: proxiID, identifier: proxiID.UUIDString)
region.notifyOnEntry = true
region.notifyOnExit = true
region.notifyEntryStateOnDisplay = true
Appdelegate delegate code:
func beaconManager(manager:BRTBeaconManager,didEnterRegion region:BRTBeaconRegion){
if region.notifyOnEntry {
func beaconManager(manager:BRTBeaconManager,didExitRegion region:BRTBeaconRegion){
if region.notifyOnExit {
func beaconManager(manager:BRTBeaconManager,didDetermineState state:CLRegionState,forRegion region:BRTBeaconRegion){
scan code:
BRTBeaconSDK .startRangingBeaconsInRegions(regionArray) { (beacons, region, error ) in
for beacon in beacons as! [BRTBeacon]{
print("beacons count:\(beacons.count) name :\(beacon.name) macaddress:\(beacon.macAddress) major:\(beacon.major) minor:\(beacon.minor) ")
updated at 14:25 I found the first problem more accurately described, when the lock screen, the device is close to the phone, can be scanned, but not far away (this distance can be scanned at the front desk)
So I guess if the scanning distance is not accurate when lock screen?