
I have 4 Amazon EC2 instances. One instance works as a publisher, Another instance works as a consumer and remaining two instances works as a broker in network Mode.

I want to do performance testing of ActiveMQ broker using Jmeter for which i am using client server mode of Jmeter. Servers will be publisher and Consumer and client will be any local machine from which i will send the test plan which will be executed by servers.

Issues :

  1. How to send the Jmeter test plan with proper port forwarding from client (local machine) to servers (publisher , consumers).

  2. How to connect from one EC2 instance (Publisher/Consumer) to another EC2 instance (broker) using Jmeter.

Please let me know if anyone have an experience on same or any pointers would be appreciated.



1 Answers


Solved the above issues so posting an answer:

For Issue 1, Please check this link which describes how to do port configuration for client server mode of Jmeter. After this step, Start your Jmeter with below command for windows / linux.

For client(Local) : jmeter.bat -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= For server(Remote) : ./jmeter-server -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=

You can also create SSH tunnel using below command on local machine to see the web console of activemq broker which is working on EC2 instance.

ssh -i brokerkey.pem -L 8161: username@instance-ip

For Issue 2, we need to use private IP of EC2 instance in providerUrl to connect to broker.

Hope this helps.