
Is it possible to load huge csv files (58K lines, 600K lines ) into Drupal 7 database using Feeds module?
I've tried on pair of hosting servers. On the first server it has been loaded 1050 records from 58K, on another - 100(from the same file). There is no any error message but csv file loaded partially.

Is any suggestions?

Thank's in advance.

have you checked or atered max_execution_time in your php.ini?2pha
You should try these recommendations, it helped me: drupal.org/node/1551246#comment-7746079Nikola Kirincic
I can't check up php.ini, haven't any rights.jvb
About cron it's not quiet clear for me how to set up cron job and why it doesn't work. I've read a lot form internet but 've found nothing to apply.jvb

1 Answers


Are you trying to import in the background or on submission?

For an import of that size you will need to run the import in the background.

This will use cron to run the feeds cron job, Drupal uses a poor-mans cron so it would be best to setup a cron on the server if you know how. if not you could try something link https://www.pingdom.com (you can use a free account) to ping your site every minute to trigger the poor-mans corn.

I would also make sure that your server is optimal for Drupal 7. (mem, cpu, php config)

I personally import 57K pdfs into Drupal using feeds so it is possible.