
I have created a Team Project in TFS 2010 and the Project Portal in SharePoint 2010.

Now I need to create a WebPart to deploy in the SharePoint Site (Project portal) that connects to the TFS to get some information.

Where I can get the TFS Url that is associated with the Project Portal in SharePoint?

Any clues?

Thanks in advance.


3 Answers


The url of TFS is not stored in the Project Portal. It is the other way round. In TFS the WSS url is stored.


TfsRedirect can be used to determine the TFS Web Access URL from within SharePoint. Although it's not exactly what you want, and it's a little hacky - you can pass the parameter tf:Test=1 to get the TFS team project that is associated with the site that your web part is being displayed on.

See John Socha-Leialoha's blog post on Using TfsRedirect to Display Reports in TFS 2010 Dashboards

What is TfsRedirect?

Here’s the scenario. You had TFS create a dashboard site in SharePoint when you created your team project (or you added it later as described here). There are several items on this dashboard that point to other locations that are potentially on other servers:

  • Team Web Access
  • Process Guidance
  • Reports shown on the dashboard pages

TFS itself know where to find these assets. And the locations can change if, for example, the TFS administrator moves the reports to a different server.

Rather than hard-code the locations of these assets into the dashboard, the TFS team created a web page called TfsRedirect.aspx that knows where these different assets are located, and will redirect to that page.


Shouldn't you be able to go in to TFS2010 -> Team Explorer -> Right-Click on your Team Project -> Portal Settings?