I keep trying to run a apoc.load.csv
procedure in the newest version of Neo4j 3.1.0, and APOC
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate('CALL apoc.load.csv("file:///data.csv",
{sep:",", header:TRUE}) yield map ','
with {map} as map MATCH (t:Tweet{id:toFloat(map.tweet_id)})
SET t.clean_text = map.clean_text,
t.positive_score = toInt(map.nb_positive),
t.negative_score = toInt(map.nb_negative),
t.sentiment_score = toInt(map.score)',
{batchSize:5000, parallel:true})
Error: Failed to invoke procedure
: Caused by: org.neo4j.graphdb.QueryExecutionException: Failed to invoke procedureapoc.load.csv
: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Import from files not enabled, please set apoc.import.file.enabled=true in your neo4j.conf
I have tried just running the apoc.load.csv
piece and I still get the same error telling me to add the statement to my neo4j.conf
file, which I have. I've even restarted my computer.
I was able to run this exact same statement successfully in Neo4j 3.0.6 and APOC, but it doesn't work since I upgraded.