I am trying to update DynamoDB and I send JSON data from Rasperry PI or MQTT Client, but when I look to CloudWatch I see below error message.
EVENT:DynamoActionFailure TOPICNAME:iotbutton/test CLIENTID:MQTT_FX_Client MESSAGE:Dynamo Insert record failed. The error received was Attribute name must not be null or empty. Message arrived on: iotbutton/test, Action: dynamo, Table: myTable_IoT, HashKeyField: SerialNumber, HashKeyValue: ABCDEFG12345, RangeKeyField: Some(ClickType), RangeKeyValue: SINGLE
I am using the AWS IoT Tutorial (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/iot-dg.pdf), The Seccion: Creating a DynamoDB Rule.
The data I send to the IoT platform is:
"serialNumber" : "ABCDEFG12345",
"clickType" : "SINGLE",
"batteryVoltage" : "5v USB"
topic: iotbutton/ABCDEFG12345
Does anyone come across this error and aware of any solution?
Thanks, regards.
, vsserialNumer
in your data, and the same withClickType
. Expect capitalization to matter in AWS across the board. – Daniel Farrell