The key to do this is an easily missed snippet at
Your configuration will be simpler if you do not add the same instance group to two different backends. If you do add the same instance group to two backends:
If your instance group serves two or more ports for several backends respectively, you have to specify different port names in the instance group.
The initial setup is non trivial so below is a reference.
Based on the example in my config:
- A managed instance group
- Main webapp running on port 80
- HTTP redirect service running on port 8081
Ensure you have firewall rules allowing a healthcheck access to your service from Google:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-http-from-lb \
--description "Incoming http allowed from cloud loadbalancer." \
--allow tcp:80
--source-ranges ""
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-http-redirect-from-lb \
--description "Incoming http redirect service allowed from cloud loadbalancer." \
--allow tcp:8081
--source-ranges ""
Ensure you have healthchecks setup for the two services checking on the correct internal ports.
gcloud compute http-health-checks create webapp-healthcheck \
--description "Main webapp healthcheck" \
--port 80 \
--request-path "/healthcheck"
gcloud compute http-health-checks create httpsredirect-service-healthcheck \
--description "HTTP redirect service healthcheck" \
--port 8081 \
--request-path "/healthcheck"
Configure named ports
The looks to be the key if your instance group has several microservices running on different ports that you want to expose under a common loadbalancer.
and the named-ports
with correct values for your services.
gcloud compute instance-groups set-named-ports INSTANCE_GROUP_NAME \
--region=REGION \
--named-ports "webapp:80,httpsredirectservice:8081"
Create loadbalancer backends
Ensure the --port-name
matches the correct named port from the previous step.
gcloud compute backend-services create webapp-lb-backend \
--http-health-check webapp-healthcheck \
--protocol http \
--description "Webapp load balancer backend" \
--port-name webapp
gcloud compute backend-services create httpsredirect-lb-backend \
--http-health-check webapp-healthcheck \
--protocol http \
--description "HTTP -> HTTPS redirect service load balancer backend" \
--port-name httpsredirectservice
Create URL Maps for the two services
Ensure --default-service
uses the configured values from the previous step.
gcloud compute url-maps create webapp-urlmap \
--default-service webapp-lb-backend
gcloud compute url-maps create httpsredirect-urlmap \
--default-service httpsredirect-lb-backend
Create Target Proxies
Target proxies are referenced by one or more global forwarding rules and route the incoming HTTP or HTTPS requests to a URL map.
We create a https target proxy for the webapp to terminate SSL at the load balancer.
gcloud compute target-https-proxies create webapp-target-proxy \
--url-map webapp-urlmap \
--ssl-certificate [SSL_CERTIFICATES]
The redirect service:
gcloud compute target-http-proxies create httpsredirect-target-proxy \
--url-map httpsredirect-urlmap
Global forwarding rules
The final step is to create the global forwarding rules
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create webapp-forwarding-rule
--global \
--address LB_STATIC_IP \
--port-range 443 \
--target-https-proxy webapp-target-proxy
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create httpsredirect-forwarding-rule
--global \
--address LB_STATIC_IP \
--port-range 80 \
--target-http-proxy httpsredirect-target-proxy
Issues I hit
- Ensure the firewall is configured correctly to allow healthchecks and healthchecks are setup.
- If get intermitent
errors check the loadbalencers in the cloud console report healthy instances
Other notes
- Because two url maps are needed you are charged for two load balancers looking at my billing info. Port 80 and port 443 both use their own load balancer
- It doesn't look like it's possible to use a network loadbalancer bother terminating SSL and serving HTTP as can be done on