I am trying to save in Int to core data and am struggling.
I have an array with a SQLite with about 2000 records and all are listed on a tableview. When one of the records are selected, it goes to the "speciesDetailViewController" were it displays details of that item.
all currently displayed is not editable.
I am adding the ability for the user to add notes and the option to change one of the fields.
The minor changes are saved in CoreData as I have no experience with SQLite (hired someone).
I have all working, except saving the Int.
Below are other details.
var specieId: Int = -1
var speciesDetailData : SpeciesDetailData?
lazy var coreDataStack = CoreDataStack()
The below is the save func used.
func saveResults () {
if let speciesDetailData = speciesDetailData {
let x = Int32(self.specieId)
speciesDetailData.commonName = ckCommonNameTextField.text!
speciesDetailData.commonForeignName = ckCommonForeignNameTextField.text!.isEmpty ? "" : ckCommonForeignNameTextField.text
speciesDetailData.speciesName = speciesLabel.text!
speciesDetailData.speciesID = x
speciesDetailData.speciesNote = ckNotesTextView.text!.isEmpty ? "" : ckNotesTextView.text
} else if speciesDetailData == nil {
if let savedData = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: "SpeciesDetailData", in: coreDataStack.managedObjectContext1) {
let x = Int32(self.specieId)
let speciesDetailData = SpeciesDetailData(entity: savedData, insertInto: coreDataStack.managedObjectContext1)
print (specieId)
speciesDetailData.commonName = ckCommonNameTextField.text!.isEmpty ? "" : ckCommonNameTextField.text
speciesDetailData.commonForeignName = ckCommonForeignNameTextField.text!.isEmpty ? "" : ckCommonForeignNameTextField.text
speciesDetailData.speciesName = speciesLabel.text!
speciesDetailData.speciesID = x
speciesDetailData.speciesNote = ckNotesTextView.text!.isEmpty ? "" : ckNotesTextView.text
The entity is SpeciesDetailData and the speciesID is currently set to Int32.
I have tried the above, I have also tried
speciesDetailData.speciesID = Int32(self.specieId)
speciesDetailData.speciesID = Int32(specieId)
I have tried to set all to Int64, same results.
I have seen other posts, but all suggestions are the same as what I have tried.
Also, I am not getting an error. I only get the red line of death.
I set a breakpoint and followed it through and when it hits the int line, it just goes red lined with no details.
UPDATE: I have no idea what "User Scalar Type" is, but I unchecked it and the autocorrect changed it to the below now runs without an error but a nil is saved. I ran the print (specieId) and it prints the correct integer.
speciesDetailData.speciesID = Int32(specieId) as NSNumber?
Any suggestions?