I am using wicked-pdf to simplify generating pdf invoices in my Rails 5 application. I have two actions making use of the pdf functionality of wicked-pdf. The first action generates the pdf and renders it in a new browser window. The second method attaches the pdf to an email.
Both of these actions work just fine. The issue comes in when I set my pdf mailer action to 'deliver_later' using ActiveJob/Sidekiq. When I add 'deliver_later' I am presented with a error stating:
"\xFE" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8
This error does not happen if I use the "deliver_now" command. Using "deliver_now" send the email and attaches the PDF correctly.
Here is some of my code for the mailing action, mailer and job:
def create
respond_to do |format|
format.html do
pdf = render_to_string( pdf: @order.ruling_invoice,
template: "orders/invoices/show.pdf.haml",
encoding: "utf8",
locals: { order: @order.decorate}
SendInvoiceMailJob.new.perform( @order, pdf, @order.token )
redirect_to order_url(id: @order.id, subdomain: current_company.slug), notice: "This invoice has been emailed."
def perform( order, pdf, order_token )
InvoiceMailer.send_invoice(order, pdf, order_token).deliver_later
def send_invoice( order, pdf_invoice , invoice_token)
@order = order
attachments["#{invoice_token}.pdf"] = pdf_invoice
to: @order.email,
from: @order.seller_email
Why would this code work using "deliver_now" in send_invoice_mail_job.rb but it doesn't work using "deliver_later" ?