I trying to run logistic regression model in SAS for last few hours. But no luck. Is there any syntactic error? Here is the code:
options pageno=1 nodate; run;
input Belt $ Ejected $ Fatal $ Nonfatal $ Total;
Yes Yes 1105 14 1119
Yes No 411111 483 411594
No Yes 4624 497 5121
No No 157342 1008 158350
proc logistic data=SEATBELT;
class Belt Ejected Fatal Nonfatal Total;
model Fatal/Total= Belt Ejected / selection = b sls=0.05;
And this is the error that I am getting.
67 proc logistic data=SEATBELT;
68 class Belt Ejected Fatal Nonfatal Total;
69 model Fatal/Total= Belt Ejected / selection = b sls=0.05;
70 run;
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: The PROCEDURE LOGISTIC printed page 1.
NOTE: PROCEDURE LOGISTIC used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
Any help will be highly appreciated.