I have Shiny Server installed and I can use the sample apps (i.e. http://serverip:3838/hello/).
But when I visit http://serverip:3838/myapp/ to use myapp, it's not working (loading till it stops).
Am I missing something in the code or in the way this should be done?
-- (running locally app.R
from RStudio, works fine)
Info about the app:
Location: /srv/shiny-server/myapp
Filename: app.r
File structure:
-- load libraries
-- Connection and queries
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user = '#', password = '#', host = '#', dbname='#') tickets<-dbGetQuery(con, "Select * from table") issues_speed_unique<-unique(na.omit(dbGetQuery(con,"Select * from table2"))) dbDisconnect (con) some aggregations....
-- Server code
shinyServer( function(input,output){ ...
-- ui code
shinyUI(fluidPage( ... shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)