
I am having trouble printing reports with FastReport in Delphi 2010. When printing to the printer the first time, it prints correctly, but the second time that I try to print the report does not print correctly.

Viewing on my computer is working correctly, the problem is when I will print on the printer that the problem happens.


if isPrint then begin
end else

For exemple:

The wrong form (the first time):

The correct form (the second time):

I don't know what "printed in half" means. Can you edit to make the problem you're having more clear? Do you mean only half of the page is printed? Or do you mean that only page 1 is printed and not page 2 (or page 2 and not page 1)? Is the report connected to a dataset?Ken White
I put the photos of the problem. Is not connected to a dataset.Cava
Your second photo is inaccessible from most proxy servers. It needs to be put on imgur like the first one.Ken White
I put the photo. I'm sorry.Cava
Why a blurry cell phone photo of the first (half) report? Preview it like you did the second (full) report and do a proper screen capture. (Please don't make us beg you to give us the details we need to help you. If it becomes more work to get the information from you than it will be to solve the problem, people will just stop trying to help you and move on to help someone else.)Ken White

1 Answers


Try to use latest FR 5.5.11. If problem still exists - create small demo project with error and send it to FR's support https://support.fast-report.com/tickets