
I have a view using group by statement on it. Because of that, view does not have a primary key column.

In EF, your tables and views need to have a primary key or id column. As I search To force entity framework to use a column as a primary key, use ISNULL. This is a solution for sql but I am using Oracle database.

So that I try to use ISNULL() equivalent NVL() in Oracle but it did not solve the problem.

The error log in the edmx file is below: The table/view 'TRANSFERS' does not have a primary key defined and no valid primary key could be inferred. This table/view has been excluded. To use the entity, you will need to review your schema, add the correct keys, and uncomment it


Here you find something on How to Ask and how to build a minimal reproducible example that can be useful to clarify your questionAleksej

1 Answers


I'm not familiar with Entity Framework, but if the question is how to add a primary key on a view, it can be done by creating the primary key as disable. Look at the following example, view v_test is defined as a group by query from underlying table.

create table t_test (a number);
create or replace view v_test 
(col1, col2, constraint pk_test primary key (col1) rely disable novalidate) as
select a col1, count(1) col2
from t_test group by a;