
the Laravel Auth::attempt function fails always. But i can't find any other method to authenticate the user or the false code... I checked the Input from my Form with an echo in the following if condition ( else part, because the true condition never entered).

public function postSignIn(Request $request)

   if(Auth::attempt(['email' => $email, 'password' => $password])){
        return redirect()->route('dashboardStart');
        return redirect()->back();


The password is hashed by the normal laravel hash function and saved to the database.


to store pw and email

   //writes the data to the DB

So, hope someone can help me.


Ok that's crazy... I changed the validation function and validate the email and password with the normal php function and the condition is true...

if(($email===$userDBEntry['Email'])&&password_verify($password,   $userDBEntry['Password'])){
        return redirect()->route('dashboardStart');
        return redirect()->back();
What problem you are facing?Mayank Pandeyz
Please post the exact error message you are gettingMikkel
I don't get any error message. Only Auth:attempt returns allways falsetheface

3 Answers


i think you are not taking inputs correctly request is not an array it's a function so call function to get input

public function postSignIn(Request $request)
   if(Auth::attempt( $request->only(['email','password']) ){
        return redirect()->route('dashboardStart');
        return redirect()->back();


Can you check what you get for $password and $email I agree with Sam, you should use methods of the Request object to access the attributes, such as

$email= $request->input('email');
$password= $request->input('password');

more about it in documentation.

EDIT: 2 more ideas on what to try... verify that you do have that user in the database (if it is not there, then there is a problem somewhere with saving/registration process)

try changing




And also verify that you are getting the $email and $pw (or $pw1) values as you expect them to be.


You are using Illuminate\Http\Request and putting it in the function, postSignIn(Request $request).

The correct way to retrieve email/password from the Request object is to call $request->email instead of $request['email'] when you pass it to the Auth::attempt.


$email=$request['email']; // make it $request->email $password=$request['password']; // make it $request->password $remember=$request['remember'];