I'm trying to integrate a classic asp site into SagePay 3.00 and cannot get past the Status Detail: 5080 : Form transaction registration failed error. I've been checking my encryption (using the Sage adapted rijndael.asp files) using the example Sage provide and I get a slightly different output i.e. about the first 25% of my output matches Sage's example. Unsure where to go from here unless anyone can suggest a better or more reliable way of generating the encrypted file.
The text I'm encrypting (when not comparing to SagePay's test data) is:
spCryptTxt = "VendorTxCode="& datediff("s",DateValue("September 11, 1963"),now()) & "-" & session("****SessionId") & "&Amount=" & formatNumber(rs("totalCost"),2)_
& "&Currency=GBP"_
& "&Description=***Conferenceregistration"_
& "&CustomerName=" & rs("firstname") & rs("surname")_
& "&CustomerEMail=" & rs("email")_
& "&BillingSurname=" & rs("surname")_
& "&BillingFirstnames=" & rs("firstname")_
& "&BillingAddress1=" & rs("contactAddress1")_
& "&BillingCity=" & rs("contactCity")_
& "&BillingPostCode=" & rs("contactPostcode")_
& "&BillingCountry=GB"_
& "&DeliveryFirstnames=" & rs("firstname")_
& "&DeliverySurname=" & rs("surname")_
& "&DeliveryAddress1=" & rs("contactAddress1")_
& "&DeliveryCity=" & rs("contactCity")_
& "&DeliveryPostCode=" & rs("contactPostcode")_
& "&DeliveryCountry=GB"_
& "&SuccessURL=http://www.*****.com/****/success.asp"_
& "&FailureURL=http://www.*****.com/****//failure.asp"
and this always gives the 5080 error. Help!
then? That's what is important here. – DavidG