I am trying to write a test for a Post request
here is my code :
val request = CreateLinkRequest(token = Some(validToken),billing_ref_id = Some("123"), store_id = Some("123"), agent_id = Some("123"))
val endPoint = Uri(this.serverRootUrl + "path").toString
val post = Post(endPoint, request)
val pipeline = jsonAsStringPipeline(post)
val responseContents = Await.ready(pipeline, atMost = callMaxWaitDuration)
But this doesnt compile, I keep getting this error :
Error:(156, 20) could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type spray.httpx.marshalling.Marshaller[CreateLinkSpec.this.CreateLinkRequest]
val post = Post(endPoint, request)
Error:(156, 20) not enough arguments for method apply: (implicit evidence$1:
spray.httpx.marshalling.Marshaller[CreateLinkSpec.this.CreateLinkRequest])spray.http.HttpRequest in class RequestBuilder.
Unspecified value parameter evidence$1.
val post = Post(endPoint, request)
What does this mean?
How can I fix it ?
EDIT: this is the json in the body :
{ token:"123", billing_ref_id:"123", store_id:"123", agent_id:"123"}
and this is the object for it in the code:
private final case class CreateLinkRequest(
token: Option[String] = Some(validToken),
billing_ref_id: Option[String] = Some(Random.alphanumeric.take(10).mkString),
agent_id: Option[String] = Some(Random.alphanumeric.take(3).mkString),
store_id: Option[String] = Some(Random.alphanumeric.take(3).mkString)