I'm trying to use OpenOCD with GDB to debug the STM32F4 Cortex-M4 on my STM32F4Discovery board.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- OpenOCD 0.9.0 (also tested with 0.10-dev)
- arm-none-eabi-gdb 7.10
- STM32F4Discovery with ST-Link v2 (V2J28S0)
- Project code generated with STM32CubeMX
I made sure debug wire is enabled in STM32CubeMX (this keeps the debug wire pins in default state)
GCC flags are:
-mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -mthumb-interwork -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -g -fno-common -fmessage-length=0
I added simple blinking LED code to the main loop, to test the debugging.
I start OpenOCD with openocd -f board/stm32f4discovery.cfg -c "program build/discovery_simple_test.elf verify reset"
. OpenOCD flashes the chip and resets it. (Output of OpenOCD can be found here)
Now I connect to it with GDB:
(gdb) target remote localhost:3333
Remote debugging using localhost:3333
0x08001450 in ?? ()
(gdb) set verbose on
(gdb) file "/abs_path/build/discovery_simple_test.elf"
A program is being debugged already.
Are you sure you want to change the file? (y or n) y
Load new symbol table from "/abs_path/build/discovery_simple_test.elf"? (y or n) y
Reading symbols from /abs_path/build/discovery_simple_test.elf...done.
Reading in symbols for /abs_path/Src/main.c...done.
(gdb) monitor reset
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8000232: file /abs_path/Src/main.c, line 71.
(gdb) break /abs_path/Src/main.c:93
Breakpoint 2 at 0x8000258: file /abs_path/Src/main.c, line 93.
The program should break at line 93, but it doesn't.
When I halt the execution and try to continue it, it doesn't continue:
(gdb) monitor halt
target state: halted
target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread
xPSR: 0x21000000 pc: 0x080006d8 msp: 0x2001ffe8
(gdb) monitor continue
//Program doesn't continue
What is going on and how can I fix it?