
I'm trying to make simple platformer with ferr2d terrain and 3d mesh as a player. I can set 2d colliders for both to work - but I can't configure ferr2d terrain to work with mesh collider. Is it possible?

I could be doing something wrong, I'm new to unity. If there is any resources/tutorial on the net that can point me to the right direction would be also great.

If you're just learning, is it really worth using Ferr2D? Just use Unity's superb built-in terrain. What's your reason for doing so? And as Martin points out, it's as easy for you to google "Ferr2D" than for someone here to google that for you :)Fattie
I asked this question on ferr2d forum but it's author seldom answers there anymore. Same with unity forums. It's hobby project, I thought ferr2d is good tool for the job - just not sure if what I'm doing (2d colliders) is the best way possible to do it. I thought it maight be trivial for someone working with 2.5/3d platformers... maybe it is not, then I would stay with 2d colliders.tester.one

1 Answers


I could be doing something wrong, I'm new to unity. If there is any resources/tutorial on the net that can point me to the right direction would be also great.

There are so many Unity tutorials on the net (admittedly of varying quality) as well as thier own specialist forum as well as a whole Stack Exchange site to this topic, to be honest I would think that the links given above should provide you with enlightenment.