
Inside Liferay 6.2 hook I want to know the portlet type(Asset Publisher/Web Content Display). Portlet name wont help me because User may have used custom title and in that case "Asset Publisher"/"Web Content Display" wont be accessible to me.

Exact hook file location where i want Portlet-type is: /html/portlet/portlet_css/view.jsp


2 Answers


Well without hooking other parts of Liferay you can't get it there (in java code). Portlet "Portlet CSS" is populated via javascript so there was apparently no need to send portletid as parameter.

To get portletId you should also hook /html/js/liferay/look_and_feel.js

autoLoad: false,
showLoading: false,
data: {
    p_l_id: themeDisplay.getPlid(),
    p_p_id: 113,
    p_p_state: EXCLUSIVE,
    doAsUserId: themeDisplay.getDoAsUserIdEncoded()
uri: themeDisplay.getPathMain() + '/portal/render_portlet'

modify it to be something like this

autoLoad: false,
showLoading: false,
data: {
    p_l_id: themeDisplay.getPlid(),
    p_p_id: 113,
    p_p_state: EXCLUSIVE,
    doAsUserId: themeDisplay.getDoAsUserIdEncoded(),
    _113_portletId: instance._portletId
uri: themeDisplay.getPathMain() + '/portal/render_portlet'

comma and _113_portletId: instance._portletId were added.

After that you can put in hooked /html/portlet/portlet_css/view.jsp

String portletId = (String) renderRequest.getParameter("portletId");

portletId for Asset publisher will be something like 101_INSTANCE_reKokSN3aDaL

portletId for Web Content Display will be something like 56_INSTANCE_dxNxXuQ7ZuvB

so you can test wether portletId starts with 101, 56, ...

You can also get Portlet object with


UPDATE (answer to question in comment):

This portlet was not intended for such use, once it loads it stays rendered in html and all modifications are made with javascript.

When "Look and feel" is opened for first time after page load XHR request to server is made and "/html/portlet/portlet_css/view.jsp" is rendered. Second time (for another portlet on the same page), javascript prepares modal for another (or same) porlet, "/html/portlet/portlet_css/view.jsp" will not be rendered again.

To force rerendering of "/html/portlet/portlet_css/view.jsp" modify again "/html/js/liferay/look_and_feel.js".

after (in my source it is line 136)

if (!content) {
    content = A.Node.create('<div class="loading-animation" />');

add this

if (instance._currentPopup) {
    A.one("#" + instance._currentPopup.get("id")).remove()
    instance._currentPopup = null;

It should be before

if (!instance._currentPopup) {
    instance._currentPopup = Liferay.Util.Window.getWindow(

Clear Liferay and browser cache.


You could get PortletDisplay object from ThemeDisplay context object and from PortletDisplay, you can get Title, PortletName etc.

Note that themeDisplay is already available and used in your jsp /html/portlet/portlet_css/view.jsp PortletDisplay portletDisplay = themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay(); String title=portletDisplay.getTitle(); String portletName=portletDisplay.getPortletName();