I'm new angularjs student. I'm using state provider in my project, i don't want to change this. Because the code is done.
Here is my code:
function config($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.when('/SecondMain', '/SecondMain/OtherPageOne')
.when('/Main', '/Main/PageOne')
.state('Main', {
abstract: true,
url: "/Main",
templateUrl: "/templates/Common/Main.html"
.state('SecondMain', {
abstract: true,
url: "/SecondMain",
templateUrl: "/templates/Common/SecondMain.html"
.state('notfound', {
url: "/NotFound",
templateUrl: "/templates/Common/NotFound.html"
.state('Main.PageOne', {
url: "/Main/PageOne",
templateUrl: "/templates/Main/PageOne.html"
.state('Main.PageTwo', {
url: "/Main/PageTwo",
templateUrl: "/templates/Main/PageTwo.html"
.state('SecondMain.OtherPageOne', {
url: "/SecondMain/PageOne",
templateUrl: "/templates/SecondMain/OtherPageOne.html"
.state('SecondMain.OtherPageTwo', {
url: "/SecondMain/PageTwo",
templateUrl: "/templates/SecondMain/OtherPageTwo.html"
.run(function ($rootScope, $state) {
$rootScope.$state = $state;
I want a logic like this: If the user put:
This page does not exist, but the user start URL with
so that he need to go to -> /Main/PageOne
if the user put:
/Ma does not exist, the user starts URL totally wrong, so that he goes to -> /Notfound Basically if the user put /Main/WRONG_LINK, he go to /Main/PageOne . And if he does not start with /Main, he go to NotFound.
Can anyone help me please?
Thanks a lot!!!