I am trying to calculate the biggest difference between summer gold medal counts and winter gold medal counts relative to their total gold medal count. The problem is that I need to consider only countries that have won at least 1 gold medal in both summer and winter.
Gold: Count of summer gold medals
Gold.1: Count of winter gold medals
Gold.2: Total Gold
This a sample of my data:
Gold Gold.1 Gold.2 ID diff gold %
Afghanistan 0 0 0 AFG NaN
Algeria 5 0 5 ALG 1.000000
Argentina 18 0 18 ARG 1.000000
Armenia 1 0 1 ARM 1.000000
Australasia 3 0 3 ANZ 1.000000
Australia 139 5 144 AUS 0.930556
Austria 18 59 77 AUT 0.532468
Azerbaijan 6 0 6 AZE 1.000000
Bahamas 5 0 5 BAH 1.000000
Bahrain 0 0 0 BRN NaN
Barbados 0 0 0 BAR NaN
Belarus 12 6 18 BLR 0.333333
This is the code that I have but it is giving the wrong answer:
def answer():
Gold_Y = df2[(df2['Gold'] > 1) | (df2['Gold.1'] > 1)]
df2['difference'] = (df2['Gold']-df2['Gold.1']).abs()/df2['Gold.2']
return df2['diff gold %'].idxmax()