I need to extract information from videos using YouTube Analytics and Reporting Api.
I have access to multiple YouTube Brand Accounts, when I log into YouTube with my Google Account.
Using the "Try it" for testing the API, I'm only able to retrieve data for a channel once I switch to the Brand Account that this channel belongs, otherwise I get 403 - Forbidden error.
Is there any way to extract data using the Google Account that I'm using to log in? Because once I create the credentials in developers console, they will be associated to the Google Account and not to the Brand Accounts.
My google account has Manager Role on the brand accounts.
I've search for the onBehalfOfContentOwner field to be used in requests, but I don't know how to get this ID, and I'm not sure if this is applicable in my situations, since we're talking about Brand Accounts, correct me if I'm wrong.