
I"m trying to process this chalkboard image I recorded with tesseract, but am having no luck. I thought about doing pre-processing to help improve our results but am unsure of what methods to call on it.

Here is the image I have:

enter image description here

And here are the tesseract commands I'm running:

convert 468.jpg  -bordercolor black -border 20x20 468-b.jpg
tesseract 468-b.jpg - -psm 11

Please note it doesn't have to process all the math symbols correctly, but at least get the 1 + 4 = 5 and maybe the 2 x 12 = 24 x 1.

I had a previous photo that worked well with using just these commands. Here's the photo:

enter image description here

And here are the results it would spit out:



It's not perfect, but it was much better than what I was getting before. How can I improve the results of my new chalkboard image? Do I need to use OpenCV, and if so, an example implementation would be very, very helpful

Thanks in advance

P.S. Here was my original question I asked on Tesseracts GitHub that lead me to better results:



1 Answers


tesseract cannot recognize handwriting image well. So I think you should use deep learning for recognizing handwriting image.

Here is some tutorial you interest in.
