MQTT over Websocket protocol
I'm trying to connect IBM Watson IoT service using erlang mqtt websockets on port 443(ssl/tls). But, I was receiving error.
The IBM dos( says that it support websocket connection. There is no mention of the websocket usage(tutorials/guide) except normal tcp connection(which i was successfull at getting conected).
I want a simple step by step doc like the Amazon IoT ( for websocket connectivity as a client application.
I'm figuring about the URL/URI which I think might be improper i.e ws(s)://host:port/path. Currently, i'm giving it as wss:// (where fybr123mqtt is my application name). What is the host, port & path for connecting to IBM Watson IoT through mqtt ? And how to send other parameters like 'client_id', 'username', 'password', 'authentication token' along with the HOST ? Also, suggest some erlang websocket client for mqtt and also mention simple steps to access the websocket server. Erlang mqtt client (emqttc) does not support websocket.