Iam new in Odoo-9.0c, I have tried to create a custom module, that includes some fields, and for new purpose I want to add 1 more fileds.Char to that module. this is the code of new field.
def _get_show_name(self):
for order_line in self:
if order_line.product_id:
if oder_line.width_id:
if order_line.width_id.id == ids in range(12):
order_line.show_name = '%d - %d' % (order_line.product_id.id(name), order_line.widt$
order_line.show_name = '%d' % (order_line.product_id.id(name))
show_name = fields.Char(compute=get_show_name, string='new name')
width_id is a many2one field that has been created in my custom module.
Please give me a hand to check the above code and show me how can I add this field to sale.xml. Thanks for your time.