I want to create a modal (dialog). I have followed examples on official bootstrap documentation but I stuck. When I am trying to create modal I receive an error
angular.min.js:122 Possibly unhandled rejection: {}
.controller('tlmController', function($scope, $http, $timeout, $uibModal, DTOptionsBuilder, DataLoader, TestLines) {
$scope.openTestLineDetails = function(id) {
var modalInstance = $uibModal.open({
size: 'lg',
controller: 'testlineDetailsController',
templateUrl: 'app/client/layout/testlinedetails.tpl.html',
resolve: {
testLineId: function() {
return id;
and TestlineDetailsController:
.controller('testlineDetailsController', function($scope, $modalInstance, testLineId) {
What is wrong with this code? I am using $uibModal ($modal service does not exist) in main controller. When I replace $modalInstance by $uibModalInstance I receive an error too (service $uibModalInstance does not exist), so I have to use $uibModal with $modalInstance. Strage but true.