
I'm an learning Dynamics 365 plugin development.

Problem: When invoking the Update method on a strongly typed entity, I an getting a exception. The exact error message is:

"System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Microsoft Dynamics CRM has experienced an error. Reference number for administrators or support: #1330ADC1"

My Setup: My solution contains a simple plugin. I have created a strongly typed entity Account. The plugin's Isolation mode is Sandbox. Telephone1 field is a string.

I retrieve the Account from CRM, then update the Telephone1 field to a new value and update the Account record. Simple :)


public class PostOperationaccountUpdate: IPlugin
    public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        var organisationService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof (IOrganizationService)) as IOrganizationService;
        var context = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof (IPluginExecutionContext)) as IPluginExecutionContext;

        var entityAccount = context.InputParameters["Target"] as Entity;
        var id = entityAccount.Id;

        var account = organisationService.Retrieve("account", id, new ColumnSet("telephone1"));

        //Get a strongly typed version of the Account entity
        var dbAccount = account.ToEntity<Account>();

        //Update the telephone1 field using the "old" way
        account["telephone1"] = "1234567890";

            //This will pass

            //Update the strongly typed Account
            dbAccount.Telephone1 = "plop";

            //This fails
        catch (Exception ex)

What have I tried: -> I have changed the plugin's Isolation mode to None - this works! According to the best practices, it isn't recommended

Thanks for the help Charles

Does it work in the sandbox if you make it late bound ?Alex
Is the strongly typed Account class in a different DLL by chance? If so, I believe you'll have to ilmerge it into the plugin DLL. You could quickly test that out by adding the Account.cs class directly into your plugins project.Polshgiant
@Alex: Yes. If I make I make it late bound and sandbox it, it does workh4ck3r8ug5
@Polshgiant: Nope. It is all in one project.h4ck3r8ug5
I am assuming your early bound class does have the attribute [assembly: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ProxyTypesAssemblyAttribute()]? Serialization exceptions are also caused if the proxy type isn't enabled.dynamicallyCRM

1 Answers


A SerializationException occurs when you mix early-bound types with code expecting late-bound types, here the MSDN gives some degree of explanation.

Essentially, the exception occurs when you require the platform to convert between early-bound and late-bound types.

Update expects a late-bound type

organisationService.Update(dbAccount); // dbAccount should be an 'Entity' object

and this causes the exception.

I never use early-bound types so I can't reliably tell how to fix your code, but the following MSDN articles should be useful: