
I build xamarin mobile app that has asp.net core web api as backend and I want to protected it using oauth2.0 authorization code flow.

Using this doc - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/active-directory-b2c-reference-oauth-code#1-get-an-authorization-code

I'm trying to get authorization code. I send request to https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant_domain_name}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize? endpoint with query parameters:

client_id - id of added application to azure ad b2c 
redirect_uri=redirect url for native application from added application to azure ad b2c 
scope=client id value and "offline_access" separated by whitespace state=test_0001 
p=B2C_1_CommonLogin - sign in policy for local accounts

From response I get html page to login as string. I parse login page string to get ctx, flowToken and canary tokens to send request to https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant_domain_name}/login endpoint to get authorization code. To do post request I use following formatting:

string postData = string.Format($@"login={email}&passwd={password}&ctx={ctx}&flowToken={flowToken}&canary={canary}&dssoToken=");
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData);

And write data array to request stream.

Then I call GetResponse on request object and get "Bad request" as response without details. Also in HttpWebReponse object I see ResponseUrl that points to: https://login.microsoftonline.com/te/{tenant_domain_name}/oauth2/authresp? and contains id_token, state and session_state parameters in query.

Could you advice anything?


1 Answers


Did you using the code to simulate the progress of sign-in? After you enter the username/password to post it to the Azure login endpoint, the Azure AD should give 302 response which would redirect the URL as you passed in the request.

And you are able to find the code in the location header then you can use the code exchange the token as the document mentioned. Here is a successful response for your reference: enter image description here

To narrow down the issue, I suggest that you try the request in the broswer and caputer it using the Fiddler.