
I try to VLOOKUP but it can only returns 1 value. I want my result to return multiple email and my lookup value is the multiple names in one cell. The first cell is the value I want to match with my lookup table. result.

Below is my lookup table where everybody email is here, but how I achieve the result like [email protected];[email protected], so I can just automate a reminder email in VBA using lookup emails earlier? How I can achieve this?

enter image description here

I also got this error when I debug, I cannot get the selected emails enter image description here

Sub getEmails()
Dim toNames As Range
Set toNames = Range("J3:J500") ' names input by user

Dim names As Range
Set names = Range("Email!B3:C25") ' names range from lookup table from different worksheet

Dim splitNames
splitNames = Split(toNames, ",")

Dim selectedEmails As String

For i = 0 To UBound(splitNames)
    findRange = names.Find(What:=splitNames(i), LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
    LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
    MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)

    ' if match found, get the email and store to selected emails variable
    If Not findRange Is Nothing Then
    selectedEmails = selectedEmails & Range("B" & findRange.Row) & ";"
    End If

Next i

'output emails
Range("Q3:Q500") = selectedEmails
End Sub
That was exactly I don't want to do. I cannot predict what name the staff gonna write in the future. So I need to have a formula to lookup the valuegpsrosak
I would recommend you just do multiple VLookups within a loop in VBA. So, if Pui Kuan, Eric is the input field, Split it into individual names, do VLookups on each of the individual names, and concatenate the results.YowE3K
Can you show me the example based on VBA that I have scripted above? Thanksgpsrosak

1 Answers


So you want to enter a set of names in a cell and get the corresponding emails from the table in another cell. Try the below code. I have assumed that the names were entered separated by commas and the resulting emails are separated by ";"

Sub getEmails()
        Dim toNames As Range
        Set toNames = Range("D25") ' names input by user

        Dim names As Range
        Set names = Range("A25:A39") ' names range from lookup table

        Dim splitNames
        splitNames = Split(toNames, ",")

        Dim selectedEmails As String
        Dim findRange As Range

        For i = 0 To UBound(splitNames)
            ' find the range matching the name
            findRange = names.Find(What:=splitNames(i), LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
                LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
                MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)

           ' if match found, get the email and store to selected emails variable
            If Not findRange Is Nothing Then
                selectedEmails = selectedEmails & Range("B" & findRange.Row) & ";"
            End If

        Next i

        'output emails
        Range("D26") = selectedEmails
    End Sub

Also this will show run time error if any of the names isn't found in the list.