We are working on some level of support for Verilog inout in Chisel 3, but until that API is fully fleshed out you should write a Verilog wrapper that converts from from inout to an input, output, and some direction.
For example, say I have some Verilog with an inout pin that can be used to set or read from some register:
module Inout(
input clock,
input write,
inout [31:0] data
reg [31:0] value;
assign data = (write) ? 32'dz : value;
always @(posedge clock) begin
if (write)
value <= data;
value <= value;
With a simple wrapper, I can expose a different interface that does not use inout:
module InoutWrapper(
input clock,
input write,
input [31:0] dataIn,
output [31:0] dataOut
wire [31:0] bus;
assign bus = (write)? dataIn : 32'dz;
assign dataOut = bus;
Inout mod (
This wrapper interface can be used in a Chisel design as a BlackBox:
class InoutWrapper extends BlackBox {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val clock = Input(Clock())
val write = Input(Bool())
val dataIn = Input(UInt(32.W))
val dataOut = Output(UInt(32.W))
And here's a bonus simple sanity test to show that it works:
class InoutTester extends BasicTester {
val mod = Module(new InoutWrapper)
val (cycle, done) = Counter(true.B, 4)
when (done) { stop(); stop() }
mod.io.clock := this.clock // BlackBoxes require explicit clock assignment
mod.io.write := false.B // default assignments
mod.io.dataIn := "hdeadbeef".U
when (cycle === 1.U) {
mod.io.write := true.B
mod.io.dataIn := 123.U
when (cycle === 2.U) {
assert(mod.io.dataOut === 123.U)
If the inout port is at the top of the design, you can create a similar kind of wrapper for the top of your design.