I want to build a real-time application for predictive maintenance. I thought about using Hbase with Phoenix. Phoenix provides SQL layer on HBase.
I read Hbase is good for Big Data like 100 million rows plus++. But my Application Data has at the moment no Data. How will the Hbase Database react if there is only a small amount of data at the beginning? And is HBase a good solution for real-time web-application?
I want to have a lambda-architecture like system. For Batch and Stream processing. Would HBase on the top of HDFS be my OLTP and OLAP System together?
As the lambda-architecture has a Batch and Speed layer. Can i use HBase data in HDFS also for Batch and save the result back in Hbase?
In general i want to know if HBase is a good solution to build a real-time webapplication to have also the posibility to do analytics.