I've a project using Firebase, and I need to add an owner to the project. This is how I added him:
- Opened the project in the Firebase console.
- Clicked on the settings wheel next to the project name, and selected permissions.
- Firebase launches a new page "IAM & Admin".
- Pressed on Add, which shows a popup.
- Entered the user gmail address, which auto completes so it could never be a wrong email.
- Selected the role as OWNER.
- Pressed on ADD button.
Now it shows me the user in the permissions list, with the message:
Invitation sent. Pending acceptance.
I've seen this answer, which says :
The newly added users may sometimes not be getting an email invite. So be certain to let them know that you added them.
I've let the user share his screen with me on Skype, and this is what happens: The user do get an email invitation, when he presses on accept invitation, the firebase console page is opened with the project name in the url !
But it doesn't show the project which I've shared. it just loads the Firbease console showing different projects that he owns from before !
And I still see this message:
Invitation sent. Pending acceptance.