I'm designing a filter to remove the noise from a piece of audio. I found the noise frequencies are located at 745 and 1965 Hz in the spectrum but I don't know how to make a multiple notch filter to remove these two specific frequencies
This is my code. I can only remove one frequency in the audio. Is there any way to make convolution of two filters in MATLAB?
%Reading first sample file
[x1,fs1] = audioread('sample.wav');
%Creating the time span for the file
%Creating the frequency span for the file
k1 = 0:length(x1)-1;
wg=[744.5*2/fs1 745.5*2/fs1 ];
%Creating filter
[b1,a1] = butter(2,wg,'stop');
%Performing filtering on file
x1f = filter(b1,a1,x1);