I have a simple combobox in c# forms which is populated from an array.
I have set AutoCompleteMode to SuggestAppend and AutoCompleteSource to ListItems. This allows me to filter through the list quickly by typing a string into the combobox and matching items are displayed as I type along. This works great.
However, when the drop down list is open and I start typing, the filtered list appears on top of the dropdown list but I cannot select from the filtered list but only from the drop down.
How to disable drop down list while open as soon as user enters a character into the combobox.
Currently only have one method for the combobox
private void SelectJobDropdown_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//plenty of code here
I have tried adding other methods for the combobox such as KeyPress or Keydown but none seems to be working for as I'm very likely doing something wrong
Using Visual Studio 2015