Edit: After one day I cross-posted this Statalist.
I want to write my own eclass
program to work with eststo
and esttab
from SSC's esttab
I want to write a wrapper for ranksum
so that I can get the p-values and add them to a table alongside the p-values from t-tests. From the ereturn
help file it seems like I need to return a b
matrix to comply with eclass
, but I can't figure out how.
I commented the bad calls below. Making the table with means and t-tests is no problem (i.e., first 3 columns). But my Wilcoxon3
command gives an error. I have tried with and without returning b
, but I can't figure out the error, which is invalid syntax
I am OK with any solution that puts the ranksum
p-values into an e()
capture program drop Wilcoxon3
program define Wilcoxon3, eclass
version 13
syntax varlist [if] [in], by(varname)
marksample touse
local names
foreach v of varlist `varlist' {
ranksum `v' if `touse', by(`by')
matrix b = nullmat(b), 1
matrix p = nullmat(p), 2*normprob(-abs(r(z)))
local names `names' "`v'"
matrix colnames p = `names'
// store results
ereturn post b
ereturn matrix p
sysuse auto, clear
eststo clear
/* store means and t-tests */
estpost summarize price weight if !foreign
estpost summarize price weight if foreign
estpost ttest price weight, by(foreign)
/* /1* try to store rank-sum test *1/ */
/* Wilcoxon3 price weight, by(foreign) */
/* eststo */
/* table of means and t-tests */
esttab, cells("mean(pattern(1 0 0) fmt(3) label(!Foreign)) mean(pattern(0 1 0) fmt(3) label(Foreign)) p(star pattern(0 0 1) fmt(3) label(p))")
/* /1* try table of means, t-tests, and rank-sum tests *1/ */
/* esttab, cells("mean(pattern(1 0 0 0) fmt(3) label(!Foreign)) mean(pattern(0 1 0 0) fmt(3) label(Foreign)) p(star pattern(0 0 1 0) fmt(3) label(p)) p(star pattern(0 0 0 1) fmt(3) label(p))") */