In my application I am writing a number of measurements to an NFC chip. As the number of measurements varies, I cannot define an exact length of NDEF message and implementing a function that would count the length and write the payload length just before the NFC read is not practical for the application.
What I thought of doing was to set the size of the NDEF message to maximum available memory and simply write to the free space. However, whilst using an NXP NFC scanner I get an error that my memory is not NDEF formatted. Could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
My current understanding is that: 0x03 defines ndef format, 0xFF flags 3 byte length format, 0x373 is the available length, 0xC5 identifies ME and MB for the single chunk, then 0x00 for type length and first two payload bytes, finally - 0x03 and 0x6D defines 0x36D payload length.
The memory (start and end) after initialization can be seen below: