
I have an SSRS report that has two tables inside the report. I can normally hide or display them utilizing something like the below in the report properties visibility-hidden section.

=iif(Parameters!AutoDrillDown.Value = 2, true, false)

How would I do this if not looking at the actual parameter but the values in the parameter? For instance, if the end-user selects Option A,and B in the parameter it will display the first table. If C and D, the second table. If A,B,C, and D...both tables? Can this be done in that section? I am really not that good with SQL so any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Just expand the IIF statement to include all variations of the parameter on each table visibility.SS_DBA
how do I do that? Is there an example of what it would look like? I am not very good at this.common763
Basing my answer below on what you stated above.SS_DBA

1 Answers


If I undestand your question correctly your parameter is set to allow multiple values.

Try this for table 1:

Array.IndexOf(Parameters!AutoDrillDown.Value,"OptionA")>-1 AND

And this for table 2:

Array.IndexOf(Parameters!AutoDrillDown.Value,"OptionC")>-1 AND

Let me know if this helps.