
After installing VS2017 RC I realized I needed to upgrade my asp.net core project to work with csproj instead of xproj and project.json.

The upgrade went well, but now I am getting a lot of warnings, and an error.

first, there are warnings regarding the .csproj file. I am getting the following warning - even in a new core class library.

The element 'PropertyGroup' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003' has invalid child element 'TargetFramework' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003'.

I am also getting

The OutputPath is not set for project

Adding an OutputPath in the .csproj file fixes that error, but the OutputPath property is not set in the new class library project I created and it still compiles.

Even after setting the OutputPath, I am getting other errors and warnings, but they don't affect the build (however - and I can't seem to reproduce them in a new project) and even though intellisense is going crazy.

other than that - I am getting over a thousand errors in VS2015 (it can't really load the nuget packages for some reason).

It might be worth mentioning that I am trying to target both .net core and .net461

dude, just copy and paste the code into a new project, i came across same situation and found no useful way than that. hope it helpsSHM
It's a big project... kinda ruins the git versioning as well - I think I would rather going back to xproj...gilmishal
If you haven't already, I recommend updating to latest VS2017 updates, including .NET Core CLI 1.0.0-preview4-004233. It contains many bug fixes, such as the a fix for the 'OutputPath' error you are seeing.natemcmaster

1 Answers


You can always copy the files over into a new 2017 IDE project