I am running a Linear Mixed Effect Model in R and I was able to successfully run my code and get results.
My code is as follow:
whb.model = lmer(Density ~ distance + (1|Houses) + Cats, data = whb)
However, I would like to do a comparison of my distance fixed factor that has 4 levels to it. I tried running a lsmean as followed:
lsmeans(whb.model, pairwise ~ distance, adjust = "tukey")
This error popped up:
Error in match(x, table, nomatch = 0L) : 'match' requires vector arguments
I also tried glht using this code:
glht(whb.model, linfct=mcp(distance="tukey"))
and got the same results. A sample of my data is as follows:
Houses distance abund density
House 1 20 0 0
House 1 120 6.052357 0.00077061
House 1 220 3.026179 0.000385305
House 1 320 7.565446 0.000963263
House 2 20 0 0
House 2 120 4.539268 0.000577958
House 2 220 6.539268 0.000832606
House 2 320 5.026179 0.000639953
House 3 20 0 0
House 3 120 6.034696 0.000768362
House 3 220 8.565446 0.001090587
House 3 320 5.539268 0.000705282
House 4 20 0 0
House 4 120 6.052357 0.00077061
House 4 220 8.052357 0.001025258
House 4 320 2.521606 0.000321061
House 5 20 4.513089 0.000574624
House 5 120 6.634916 0.000844784
House 5 220 4.026179 0.000512629
House 5 320 5.121827 0.000652131
House 6 20 2.513089 0.000319976
House 6 120 9.308185 0.001185155
House 6 220 7.803613 0.000993587
House 6 320 6.130344 0.00078054
House 7 20 3.026179 0.000385305
House 7 120 9.052357 0.001152582
House 7 220 7.052357 0.000897934
House 7 320 6.547785 0.00083369
House 8 20 5.768917 0.000734521
House 8 120 4.026179 0.000512629
House 8 220 4.282007 0.000545202
House 8 320 7.537835 0.000959747
House 9 20 3.513089 0.0004473
House 9 120 5.026179 0.000639953
House 9 220 8.052357 0.001025258
House 9 320 9.573963 0.001218995
House 10 20 2.255828 0.000287221
House 10 120 5.255828 0.000669193
House 10 220 10.060874 0.001280991
House 10 320 8.539268 0.001087254
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this problem?