I am trying to change the values from a sliderInput
dynamically. The difficulty now is that I want to change from a sliderInput
with one value, to a sliderInput
with a range, which seems not to work.
The first actionbutton in the code below works, while the second does not what it is intended to do.
Is the only possibility to switch to an uiOutput
app <- shinyApp(
ui = bootstrapPage(
sliderInput("sld1", min = 0, max = 10, label = "y1", value = 5),
actionButton("acb1", "Change Value"),
actionButton("acb2", "Change Value to Range")
server = function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$acb1, {
updateSliderInput(session, "sld1", value = 2)
observeEvent(input$acb2, {
updateSliderInput(session, "sld1", value = c(2,7))