When RBAC was introduced in Azure Active directory, roles can be granted to users or collection of users (groups).We followed this blog post and added that functionality for our apps when it first got introduced. But now, we have to go for active directory premium to assign roles to groups and get roles in bearer token.Going with Azure Active directory is not a feasible solution for us as premium is gonna cost us $6 user/ month and we have lot of groups and each group has lot of users. Looking at the costs our IT team is not willing to go for this package. I was just wondering if there an alternative approach for mapping roles to groups. Or this is only doable using premium.
1 Answers
Using Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) with an Azure AD Premium or Azure AD Basic license, you can use groups to assign access to a SaaS application that's integrated with Azure AD( refer here about detail).
So if you want to manage the roles using the group, we need at least the Azure AD Basic license. If you were using the free edition, we can only assign the roles to the users one by one.
Instead using the role manage the access for the application, we can also use the group which also supports for the Azure AD free edition. You can check the code sample about authorization in a web app using Azure AD groups & group claims from here.