I have configured the following check:
"cron": {
"command": "check-process.rb -p cron",
"subscribers": [],
"handlers": [
"interval": 10,
"occurences": 3,
"refresh": 600,
"standalone": false,
"remediation": {
"light_remediation": {
"occurrences": [1, 2],
"severities": [2]
"light_remediation": {
"command": "touch /tmp/test",
"subscribers": [],
"handlers": ["flowdock"],
"publish": false,
"interval": 10
Mailer and flowdock handlers are being executed as expected, so I am receiving e-mails and flowdock notifications when cron service is not running. The problem is that remediator check is not working and I have no idea why. I have used this: https://github.com/nstielau/sensu-community-plugins/blob/remediation/handlers/remediation/sensu.rb