I'm using AWS Cognito User Pool and have created some users. Now I would like to change some of the attributes for a specific user such as name, address, etc...
Is it possible to do this on an AWS Website? If so, how?
The console does not have that capability but it can be done in the AWS Command Line Interface.
aws cognito-idp admin-update-user-attributes \
--user-pool-id xxx \
--username yyy \
--user-attributes Name=xxx,Value=yyy Name=ttt,Value=sss ...
Custom attributes use the following syntax:
--user-attributes Name="custom:attributeName",Value="value with space"
You need to set up your credentials with cli first (only the first time), via the command:
aws configure
but after that it is straightforward. For more:
aws cognito-idp admin-update-user-attributes help
The OP asked how to change user attributes in Cognito. While the primary User Attributes and the custom attributes, can he viewed in the console, they cannot be changed there.
Here is a link to the Python API to access User properties: link. The update_user_attributes()
method may be what you are looking for.
A broader set of APIs for cognito can be found here.